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Consul General in Dubai Ou Boqian Accept an Interview with China Arabic TV
2024-07-16 13:35

On July 16, 2024, Consul General Ou Boqian was interviewed by China Arabic TV.

During the interview, Consul General Ou shared that in the four months since her arrival in Dubai, she has been deeply touched by the warmth and enthusiasm shown towards China, from the UAE’s leadership to its citizens. The harmonious coexistence of people from diverse ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds in the UAE aligns with China’s vision of the “Community with a Shared Future For Mankind”. Over the past 40 years, both nations have developed at a similar pace and along parallel paths, with their relationship now at an all-time high. The Consulate General in Dubai is committed to working with all parties to actively implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, further expanding areas of cooperation, exploring untapped potential, and fostering innovative forms of collaboration to inject new momentum into the development of China-UAE relations.

China Arabic TV is an Arabic-language satellite channel based in Dubai. It broadcasts Chinese news, political and business interviews, documentaries, and TV dramas, reaching nearly 500 million viewers across 22 Arab countries and regions in West Asia and North Africa.

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